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The influence of mandibular stretching on athletes subjected to high intensity workout

D. Tonlorenzi, M. Conti, G. Traina


The use of oral appliances is considered effective in improving sport performance. Jaw clenching or stretching, improved breathing or positioning of the jaw have been proposed to explain the improvement. In this study, we reported the effects of regularly practiced mandibular stretching at submaximal opening of the jaw in Crossfit athletes. Seventeen test subjects undergoing mandibular stretching (MS) showed significantly reduced (p<0.001) performance time in a high-intensity workout measured before and after seven days of 10-minutes stretching practiced twice daily, while no improvement was observed in control subjects who did not perform the stretching. Additionally, blood lactate levels appeared to recover more quickly in MS subjects.
Crossfit is a type of training regimen that pushes the limits of bodily recovery processes. Jaw stretching, eliciting the trigeminocardiac reflex (a reflex decrease in heart rate and blood pressure following trigeminal stimulation) and central oxygen-conserving mechanisms could help relieve post-training stress and improve training recovery.


Mandibular stretching; CrossFit; Proprioceptive trigeminocardiac reflex; Oral splint; Training recovery

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