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Issue Title
Vol 82, No 22 (1930) Contributions expérimentales à la physiologie du noeud cavo-auriculaire, par rapport à de nouvel les données anatomiques Details   PDF
A.S. Roversi
Vol 149, No 4 (2011): Special Issue - Mechanisms and networks of motoneuronal control during sleep Control of motoneuron function and muscle tone during REM sleep, REM sleep behavior disorder and cataplexy/narcolepsy Abstract   PDF
J. Peever
Vol. 137, No. 4 Control of REM sleep: an aspect of the regulation of physiological homeostasis. Abstract
G. Zamboni, E. Perez, R. Amici, C. A. Jones, P. L. Parmeggiani
Vol. 119, fasc. 1 Controlateral tectal projections from single areas of the visual cortex in the cat Details
C. Galletti, S. Squatrito, P.P. Battiglini, M.G. Maioli
Vol. 112, fasc. 2 Controle reticulaire et respiratoire du reflexe polysynaptique linguo-maxillaire au cours de variations de vigilance Details
J.P. Ternaux, J.J. Puizillout
Vol. 113, fasc. 1 Convergence of afferent impulses from individual semicircular canals on pontine reticular units Details
I. Petrosini, D. Troiani, E. Manni
Vol. 142, No. 1 Convergence of forelimb afferent actions on C7-Th1 propriospinal neurones bilaterally projecting to sacral segments of the cat spinal cord. Abstract   PDF
P. Krutki, W. Mwrowczynski
Vol. 125, No. 3 Convergence of neck and macular vestibular inputs on vestibulospinal neurons projecting to the lumbosacral segments of the spinal cord. Abstract
G. Stampacchia, D. Manzoni, A. R. Marchand, O. Pompeiano
Vol. 118, No. 4 Convergence of sleep-wakefulness subsystem onto single neurons in the region of cat's solitary tract nucleus Details   PDF
K. Eguci, T. Satoh
Vol. 141, No. 4 Copper interaction on the long-term potentiation. Abstract
J. Leiva, P. Gaete, M. Palestini
Vol. 138, No. 2 Copper sensitivity in dorsal hippocampus slices. Abstract
J. Leiva, M. Palestini, M. Tetas, J. Lopez
Vol 71, No 11 (1922) Corrélations et différentiations. Essai de Morphologie causale sur la tète des Amphibies. Résumé de l'A. Details
G. Cotronei
Vol 150, No 4 (2012) Corrigendum Abstract
AIB Editorial
Vol. 142, No. 4 - In honour of M. Jouvet Cortical and pontine variations occurring in the voltammetric no signal throughout the sleep-wake cycle in the rat. Abstract   PDF
R. Cespuglio, G. Debilly, S. Burlet
Vol. 102, fasc. 3 Cortical control of brain stem reticular neurons Details
F. Magni, W.D. Willis
Vol. 104, fasc. 2 Cortical D.C. potential changes associated with spontaneous sleep in cat Details
K. Tabushi, Y. Hishikawa, M. Ueyama, Z. Kaneko
Vol 154, No 2/3 (2016) Cortical excitability in patients with resistance to thyroid hormone compared to patients with hypothyroidism and euthyroid controls: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study Abstract   PDF
C. Terranova, V. Rizzo, A. Calamuneri, L. Bartolone, F. Morgante, D. Bruschetta, V. Roberto, P. Girlanda, S. Benvenga, A. Quartarone
Vol 150, No 2/3 (2012): Neural correlates of consciousness in pathology and healthy volunteers Cortical mechanisms of loss of consciousness: insight from TMS/EEG studies Abstract   PDF
Marcello Massimini, Fabio Ferrarelli, Simone Sarasso, Giulio Tononi
Vol. 124, fasc. 2 Cortical neurons projecting to the posterior part of the superior temporal sulcus with particular reference to the posterior association area. An HRP study in the monkey Details
T. Ban
Vol 152, No 4 (2014): Special Issue - Brain plasticity and recovery: basic and clinical evidences Cortical plasticity in patients with Parkinson's disease a window for therapeutic non-invasive neuromodulation. Abstract   PDF
Angelo Quartarone, Vincenzo Rizzo, Carmen Terranova, Daniele Bruschetta, Demetrio Milardi, Paolo Girlanda, Maria Felice Ghilardi
Vol. 102, fasc. 4 Cortical sensory and motor areas of the guinea pig ("CAVIA PORCELLUS") Details
H.P. Zeigler
Vol. 122, fasc. 3 Cortical wave amplitude and eye movement direction are correlated in REM sleep but not in waking Details
A.P. Monaco, H.A. Baghdoyan, J.P. Nelson, J.A. Hobson
Vol. 129, No. 4 Cortico-cortical projections from the prefrontal cortex to the superior temporal sulcal area (STs) in the monkey studied by means of HRP method. Abstract
T. Ban, T. Shiwa, K. Kawamura
Vol. 125, No. 2 Corticocortical projections to the monkey temporal lobe with particular reference to the visual processing pathways. Abstract
T. Shiwa
Vol. 117, fasc. 4 Corticofugal influences of the cerebral masticatory area on the mesenchephalic trigeminal nucleus of the rabbit Details
M. Passatore, R. Bortolami, M.L. Lucchi, G.M. Filippi, E. Manni
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