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Vol. 73, fasc. 13 Recherches sur les plaquettes du sang. Résumé de l'A. Details
G. Bianchini
Vol. 100, fasc. 2 Recherches sur les structures nerveuses et les mecanismes responsables des differentes phases du sommeil physiologique Details
M. Jouvet
Vol 88, No 28 (1932) Recherches sur un principe de l'organisme à action protectrice Details
A. De_Barbieri
Vol 35, No 1 (1901) Recherches ulterieures sur la biologie et sur le chimisme des arsenio-moisissures. Abstract
B. Gosio
Vol. 126, No. 4 - Brainstem reticular mechanisms. A tribute to G.Moruzzi. Recollections of a contemporary neuroanatomist. Abstract   PDF
A. Brodal
Vol. 122, fasc. 2 Recovery of the vertical vestibulo-ocular-reflex gain in rabbits submitted to bilateral and unilateral visual deprivation from birth Details
M. Favilla, B. Ghelarducci
Vol. 96, fasc. 1 Recruiting response in cortical and subcortical structures Details
C. Aimone Marsan
Vol. 99, fasc. 2 Recruiting responses in the brain stem reticular formation Details
J. Schlag, J. Faidherbe
Vol. 103, fasc. 2 Recurrent cortical effects following stimulation of internal capsule Details
H. Asanuma, V.B. Brooks
Vol. 103, fasc. 2 Recurrent cortical effects following stimulation of medullary pyramid Details
V.B. Brooks, H. Asanuma
Vol 151, No 4 (2013) Re-defining Parkinson’s disease Abstract
Francesco Fornai, Stefano Ruggieri
Vol 153, No 4 (2015) Reelin induces process growth in cultured astrocytes: Implication for glia-synaptic plasticity Abstract
R. Brunkhorst, H. Bock, A. Derouiche
Vol. 115, fasc. 1 Reflex and reticular modulation of first-order proprioceptive neurons of the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus Details
E. Manni, R. Bortolami, V.E. Pettorossi, E. Callegari, M.L. Lucchi
Vol. 102, fasc. 4 Reflex response to clicks of cat's tensor tympani during sleep and wakefulness and the influence threon of the auditory cortex Details
W. Baust, G. Berlucchi
Vol. 113, fasc. 2 Réflexes monosynaptiques et polysynaptiques craniens au cours du cycle veille-sommeil duchat croniquement implanté Details
J.P. Ternaux, P. Frappa, J.J. Puizillout
Vol. 142, No. 4 - In honour of M. Jouvet Regional organisation of brain activity during paradoxical sleep (PS). Abstract   PDF
P. Maquet, P. Ruby, S. Schwartz, S. Laureys, G. Albouy, T. Dang-Vu, M. Desseilles, M. Boly, G. Melchior, P. Peigneux
Vol. 136, No. 3 Relation between fibre composition and daily duration of spontaneous activity in ankle muscles of the cat. Abstract
D. Kernell, E. Hensbergen, A. Lind, O. Eerbeek
Vol. 115, fasc. 2 Relations entre l'activité unitaire du vermis et les ondes phasiques de l'électrocérébellogramme au cours du sommeil chez le chat chronique Details
J. Pellet, F. Harlay
Vol. 114, fasc. 4 Relations of single semicircular canals to the pontine reticular formation Details
D. Troiani, L. Petrosini, B. Zannoni
Vol. 142, No. 4 - In honour of M. Jouvet Relationship between sleep and eye state in Cetaceans and Pinnipeds. Abstract   PDF
O. I. Lyamin, L. M. Mukhametov, J. M. Siegel
Vol. 112, fasc. 4 Relationship between the "late reflex discharge" and locomotor movements in acute spinal cats and rabbits treated with dopa Details
D. Viala, A. Valin, P. Buser
Vol. 103, fasc. 1 Relationships between cerebral and mesodiencephalic nystagmogenic centers in the rabbit Details
E. Manni, G.B. Azzena, M.L. Atzori
Vol. 107, fasc. 5 Relationships between the somatosensory thalamic relay-nuclei of the two sides Details
E. Fadiga, T. Manzoni
Vol. 119, fasc. 4 Relative contribution of mossy and climbing fiber pathways to the postural and motor deficits produced by neck deafferentation Details
P. D'Ascanio, O. Pompeiano, E. Santarcangelo, G. Stampacchia
Vol. 143, No. 1 Relaxation as a cognitive task. Abstract
L. Sebastiani, A. Simoni, A. Gemignani, B. Ghelarducci, E. L. Santarcangelo
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