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Vol. 128, No. 1 Separate populations of neurons in the oculomotor nucleus project to the cerebellum and the abducent nucleus. A retrograde fluorescent double-labelling study in the cat. Abstract
G. K. Roste
Vol. 140, No. 4 - In honour of C.A. Terzuolo Separation and estimation of muscle spindle and tension receptor populations by vibration of the biceps muscle in the frog. Abstract   PDF
S. F. Giszter, W. J. Kargo
Vol. 114, fasc. 4 Sequential discharges of phasic (PGO WAWES) during paradoxical sleep after selective cortical lesions in the cat Details
M. Gadea-Ciria
Vol 154, No 2/3 (2016) Serotonin modifies the spontaneous spiking activity of gracile nucleus neurons in rats: role of 5-HT1A and 5-HT2 receptors Abstract   PDF
C. Grasso, G. Li Volsi, M. Barresi
Vol. 125, No. 4 Serotonin neurons and sleep. I. Long term recordings of dorsal raphe discharge frequency and PGO waves. Abstract
R. Lydic, R. W. McCarley, J. A. Hobson
Vol. 126, fasc. 1 Serotonin neurons and sleep. II. Time course of dorsal raphe discharge, PGO waves, and behavioral states Details
R. Lydic, R.W. McCarley, J.A. Hobson
Vol. 115, fasc. 3 Seuils réticulaires de déclenchement des résponses électrodermales chez le chat. Introduction Details
J.C. Roy, M.C. Leisinger-Trigona, V. Block
Vol. 115, fasc. 3 Seuils réticulaires de déclenchement des résponses électrodermales chez le chat. Introduction Details
M.C. Trigona-Leisinger, F. Ciancia, J.C. Roy, V. Bloch
Vol 152, No 1 (2014) Sheep Primary Astrocytes Under Starvation Conditions Express Higher Amount Of LC3 II Autophagy Marker Than Neurons Abstract
Emilio Mura, Gianluca Lepore, Marco Zedda, Stefano Giua, Vittorio Farina
Vol 78, No 18 (1928) Si les mélanines naturelles peuvent dériver de la dioxyphénylalanine (oxytyrosine). Recherches spectrophométriques. Avec 1 Planches. Details
G. Gallerani
Vol 77, No 17 (1926) Signification et importance des mouvements automatiques et réflexes dans les fonctions gustatives et olfactives Details
M. Ponzo
Vol 155, No 3 (2017) Silver nano particles ameliorate learning and spatial memory of male wistar rats by prevention of amyloid fibril-induced neurotoxicity Abstract
H. Ramshini, A.-S. Moghaddasi, L.-S. Aldaghi, N. Mollania, A. Ebrahim-Habibi
Vol. 130, No. 3 Single unit activity in the guinea-pig cochlear nucleus during sleep and wakefulness. Abstract
J. L. Pena JR., M. Pedemonte, M. F. Ribeiro, R. Velluti
Vol. 116, fasc. 2 Single unit firing patterns in the vestibular nuclei related to saccadic eye movements in the decerebrate cat Details
T. Mergner, O. Pompeiano
Vol. 117, No. 3 Single unit responses to visual stimuli in cat cortical areas 17 and 18. Responses to moving stimuli of variable intensity Abstract
E. Riva Sanseverino, C. Galletti, M. G. Maioli, S. Squatrito
Vol. 117, No. 3 Single unit responses to visual stimuli in cat cortical areas 17 and 18. Responses to stationary stimuli of variable intensity Abstract
C. Galletti, S. Squatrito, M.G. Maioli, E. Riva Sanseverino
Vol. 117, No. 3 Single unit responses to visual stimuli in cat cortical areas 17 and 18. Responses to stationary stimuli of variable intensity Abstract
C. Galletti, M.G. Maioli, S. Squatrito, E. Riva Sanseverino
Vol. 115, fasc. 1 Single units activities in ventral posterior and posterior group thalamic nuclei during nociceptive and non nociceptive stimulation in the cat Details
G. Guilbaud, D. Caille, J.M. Besson, G. Benelli
Vol. 102, fasc. 1 Site and mode of termination of primary vestibulocerebellar fibres in the cat. An experimental study with silver impregnation methods Details
A. Brodal, B. Hoivik
Vol. 104, fasc. 1 Sites of termination of interstitiospinal fibers in the cat. An experimental study with sillver impregnation methods Details
R. Nyberg-Hansen
Vol. 152, No. 2-3 (2014) Understanding Sleep: Novel Perspectives in Neurosciences Sleep and bodily functions: the physiological interplay between body homeostasis and sleep homeostasis Abstract
R. Amici, S. Bastianini, C. Berteotti, M. Cerri, F. Del Vecchio, V. Lo Martire, M. Luppi, E. Perez, A. Silvani, G. Zamboni, G. Zoccoli
Vol. 108, fasc. 2 Sleep and environmental temperature Details
P.L. Parmeggiani, C. Rabini
Vol. 152, No. 2-3 (2014) Understanding Sleep: Novel Perspectives in Neurosciences Sleep and memory in the making. Are current concepts sufficient in children? Abstract
P. Peigneux
Vol. 112, fasc. 3 Sleep and wakefulness in chelonian reptiles. I - The box turtle, Terrapene carolina Details
W.F. Flanigan, C.P. Knight, K.M. Hartse, A. Rechtschaffen
Vol. 112, fasc. 3 Sleep and wakefulness in chelonian reptiles. The red-footed tortoise, Geochelone carbonaria Details
W.F. Flanigan
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