Issue |
Title |
Vol. 128, No. 1 |
Separate populations of neurons in the oculomotor nucleus project to the cerebellum and the abducent nucleus. A retrograde fluorescent double-labelling study in the cat. |
G. K. Roste |
Vol. 140, No. 4 - In honour of C.A. Terzuolo |
Separation and estimation of muscle spindle and tension receptor populations by vibration of the biceps muscle in the frog. |
S. F. Giszter, W. J. Kargo |
Vol. 114, fasc. 4 |
Sequential discharges of phasic (PGO WAWES) during paradoxical sleep after selective cortical lesions in the cat |
M. Gadea-Ciria |
Vol 154, No 2/3 (2016) |
Serotonin modifies the spontaneous spiking activity of gracile nucleus neurons in rats: role of 5-HT1A and 5-HT2 receptors |
C. Grasso, G. Li Volsi, M. Barresi |
Vol. 125, No. 4 |
Serotonin neurons and sleep. I. Long term recordings of dorsal raphe discharge frequency and PGO waves. |
R. Lydic, R. W. McCarley, J. A. Hobson |
Vol. 126, fasc. 1 |
Serotonin neurons and sleep. II. Time course of dorsal raphe discharge, PGO waves, and behavioral states |
R. Lydic, R.W. McCarley, J.A. Hobson |
Vol. 115, fasc. 3 |
Seuils réticulaires de déclenchement des résponses électrodermales chez le chat. Introduction |
J.C. Roy, M.C. Leisinger-Trigona, V. Block |
Vol. 115, fasc. 3 |
Seuils réticulaires de déclenchement des résponses électrodermales chez le chat. Introduction |
M.C. Trigona-Leisinger, F. Ciancia, J.C. Roy, V. Bloch |
Vol 152, No 1 (2014) |
Sheep Primary Astrocytes Under Starvation Conditions Express Higher Amount Of LC3 II Autophagy Marker Than Neurons |
Emilio Mura, Gianluca Lepore, Marco Zedda, Stefano Giua, Vittorio Farina |
Vol 78, No 18 (1928) |
Si les mélanines naturelles peuvent dériver de la dioxyphénylalanine (oxytyrosine). Recherches spectrophométriques. Avec 1 Planches. |
G. Gallerani |
Vol 77, No 17 (1926) |
Signification et importance des mouvements automatiques et réflexes dans les fonctions gustatives et olfactives |
M. Ponzo |
Vol 155, No 3 (2017) |
Silver nano particles ameliorate learning and spatial memory of male wistar rats by prevention of amyloid fibril-induced neurotoxicity |
H. Ramshini, A.-S. Moghaddasi, L.-S. Aldaghi, N. Mollania, A. Ebrahim-Habibi |
Vol. 130, No. 3 |
Single unit activity in the guinea-pig cochlear nucleus during sleep and wakefulness. |
J. L. Pena JR., M. Pedemonte, M. F. Ribeiro, R. Velluti |
Vol. 116, fasc. 2 |
Single unit firing patterns in the vestibular nuclei related to saccadic eye movements in the decerebrate cat |
T. Mergner, O. Pompeiano |
Vol. 117, No. 3 |
Single unit responses to visual stimuli in cat cortical areas 17 and 18. Responses to moving stimuli of variable intensity |
E. Riva Sanseverino, C. Galletti, M. G. Maioli, S. Squatrito |
Vol. 117, No. 3 |
Single unit responses to visual stimuli in cat cortical areas 17 and 18. Responses to stationary stimuli of variable intensity |
C. Galletti, S. Squatrito, M.G. Maioli, E. Riva Sanseverino |
Vol. 117, No. 3 |
Single unit responses to visual stimuli in cat cortical areas 17 and 18. Responses to stationary stimuli of variable intensity |
C. Galletti, M.G. Maioli, S. Squatrito, E. Riva Sanseverino |
Vol. 115, fasc. 1 |
Single units activities in ventral posterior and posterior group thalamic nuclei during nociceptive and non nociceptive stimulation in the cat |
G. Guilbaud, D. Caille, J.M. Besson, G. Benelli |
Vol. 102, fasc. 1 |
Site and mode of termination of primary vestibulocerebellar fibres in the cat. An experimental study with silver impregnation methods |
A. Brodal, B. Hoivik |
Vol. 104, fasc. 1 |
Sites of termination of interstitiospinal fibers in the cat. An experimental study with sillver impregnation methods |
R. Nyberg-Hansen |
Vol. 152, No. 2-3 (2014) Understanding Sleep: Novel Perspectives in Neurosciences |
Sleep and bodily functions: the physiological interplay between body homeostasis and sleep homeostasis |
R. Amici, S. Bastianini, C. Berteotti, M. Cerri, F. Del Vecchio, V. Lo Martire, M. Luppi, E. Perez, A. Silvani, G. Zamboni, G. Zoccoli |
Vol. 108, fasc. 2 |
Sleep and environmental temperature |
P.L. Parmeggiani, C. Rabini |
Vol. 152, No. 2-3 (2014) Understanding Sleep: Novel Perspectives in Neurosciences |
Sleep and memory in the making. Are current concepts sufficient in children? |
P. Peigneux |
Vol. 112, fasc. 3 |
Sleep and wakefulness in chelonian reptiles. I - The box turtle, Terrapene carolina |
W.F. Flanigan, C.P. Knight, K.M. Hartse, A. Rechtschaffen |
Vol. 112, fasc. 3 |
Sleep and wakefulness in chelonian reptiles. The red-footed tortoise, Geochelone carbonaria |
W.F. Flanigan |
1826 - 1850 of 2394 Items |
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