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Vol. 117, No. 1 The vestibular nuclei in the domestic hen. Afferents from the spinal cord Abstract
J.E. Wold
Vol. 144, No. 3/4 (2006) The vestibulo-ocular and the vestibulospinal reflexes: noradrenergic influences on the plastic changes which affect the cerebellar cortex during vestibular adaptation. Abstract   PDF
O. Pompeiano
Vol. 140, No. 4 - In honour of C.A. Terzuolo The vestibulo-ocular reflex and velocity storage in spinocerebellar ataxia 8. Abstract   PDF
J. H. Anderson, M. C. Yavuz, B. M. Kazar, P. Christova, C. M. Gomez
Vol 149, No 4 (2011): Special Issue - Mechanisms and networks of motoneuronal control during sleep The ‘scanning hypothesis’ of rapid eye movements during REM sleep: a review of the evidence. Abstract   PDF
I. Arnulf
Vol 149 (2011): From electric fish to human brain: an historical overview of European neuroscience from the University of Pisa The “sacredness” of the scientist: Moruzziin via San Zeno narrated by Mario Tobino Abstract   PDF
M. Zappella
Vol. 124, fasc. 4 The-head-eye-body turning behavior induced by electrical or cholinergic stimulation of the pulvinar-lateralis posterior nucleus complex is not dependent on the catecholaminergic system Details
E. Motles, M. Cury
Vol 155, No 4 (2017) Therapy in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS): an unexpected evolving scenario Abstract
V. Silani
Vol. 138, No. 1 Three dimensional eye movement analysis during off vertical axis rotation in human subjects. Abstract   PDF
T. Yagi, E. Kamura, A. Shitara
Vol. 140, No. 3 - In honour of C.A. Terzuolo Time course of a repetition effect on saccadic reaction time in non-human primates. Abstract   PDF
J. L. Gore, M. C. Dorris, D. P. Munoz
Vol. 104, fasc. 3 Time course of mammalian intrafusal muscle contraction as revealed by cinephotography of isolated lumbrical muscle spindles of the dog Details
K. Diete-Spiff
Vol. 134, No. 1 - Physiological aspects of sleep and wakefulness. In memory of G. Moruzzi Time course of sleep inertia after nighttime and daytime sleep episodes. Abstract   PDF
P. Achermann, E. Werth, D.-J. Dijk, A. A. Borbely
Vol. 140, No. 1 Time courses of aspartate and glutamate concentrations in the focus area during penicillin induced epileptiform activity in awake rats. Abstract
N. A. El-Yamany, E. Horn
Vol. 102, fasc. 3 Tonic and phasic inhibition of spinal reflexes during deep, desynchronized sleep in unrestrained cats Details
M.M. Gassel, P.L. Marchiafava, O. Pompeiano
Vol 117, No 2 Tonic cervical influences of posture and reflex movements Abstract
D. Manzoni, O. Pompeiano
Vol. 123, fasc. 2 Tonic facilitatory influences of dorsal pontine reticular structures on the response gain of limb extensors to sinusoidal labyrinth and neck stimulations Details
P. D'Ascanio, E. Bettini, O. Pompeiano
Vol. 114, fasc. 3 Tonic inhibition of dorsal pontine neurons during the postural atonia produced by an anticholinesterase in the decerebrate cat Details
O. Pompeiano, K. Hoshino
Vol. 123, fasc. 2 Tonic inhibitory influences of locus coeruleus on the response gain oflimb extensors to sinusoidal labyrinth andneck stimulations Details
P. D'Ascanio, E. Bettini, O. Pompeiano
Vol. 106, fasc. 3 Tonic neuronal activity of the central visual pathways during dark adaptation Details
R. Corazza, M. Endo, V. Tradardi, C. Umiltà
Vol. 111, fasc. 3-4 Tonus cortical et afférences cérébrales Details
F. Bremer
Vol. 133, No. 1 Topographic mapping of the cortical EEG power in the unrestrained rat: peripheral effects of neuroactive drugs. Abstract
A. Bringmann
Vol. 128, No. 2-4 - A tribute to A. Brodal Topographical localisation in the projections from the inferior olive to the paravermal cortex of the anterior lobe and paramedian lobule in the cerebellum of the cat. A brief review. Abstract   PDF
D. M. Armstrong
Vol. 108, fasc. 3 Topographie des proiectons de la sensibilite viscerale sur l'ecorce cerebrale du chat: E'tude des projections corticales du vague cerviacal chez le chat anesthesiè au chloralose Details
M. Aubert
Vol. 108, fasc. 3 Topographie des proiectons de la sensibilite viscerale sur l'ecorce cerebrale du chat: E'tude des projections corticales du vague cerviacal chez le chat anesthesiè au nembutal Details
M. Aubert, J. Legros
Vol. 109, fasc. 3 Topographie des projectons de la sensibilite cerebrale du chat. Details
M, Slosarska, B. Zeenicki
Vol. 109, fasc. 3 Topographie des projectons de la sensibilite cerebrale du chat. Ètude comparativevdes projections viscerales et somatiques Details
M. Aubert
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