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Issue Title
Vol. 109, fasc. 3 Topographie des projectons de la sensibilite cerebrale du chat. Etudedes projections corticales du nerf larynge superieur Details
M, Aubert, C. Guilhen
Vol. 109, fasc. 3 Topographie des projectons de la sensibilite cerebrale du chat. Projections corticales du nerf splanchnique Details
M- Aubert, J.C. Giordan, N. Pietri-Yard
Vol. 115, fasc. 2 Topography of inhibitory actions from the cerebral cortex on the climbing fibre input to cerebellar purkinje cells Details
M.J. Rowe
Vol 148, No 3 (2010): Special Issue - Integrating Computational, Cognitive and Clinical Expertise to Understand Brain Network Recovery Towards the Virtual Brain: Network Modeling of the Intact and the Damaged Brain Abstract   PDF
Viktor Jirsa, Olaf Sporns, Michael Breakspear, Gustavo Deco, Anthony Randal McIntosh
Vol. 142, No. 3 - In honour of O. Pompeiano Trace fear conditioning: a role for context? Abstract   PDF
A. R. Marchand, D. Luck, G. Di Scala
Vol. 111, fasc. 3-4 Transductions photobioélectriques dans les neuromembranes Details
A. Arvanitaki-Chalazonitis
Vol. 143, No. 3/4 - Ital Soc Physiol Meeting Proceedings Transgenic models for studying expression and function of axonal adhesive glycoproteins. Abstract   PDF
L. De Benedictis, A. Bizzoca, G. Gennarini
Vol. 131, No. 1 Transient epileptiform experience affects the duration of penicillin-induced convulsive activity in the awake rat. Abstract
E. Horn, R. Weber
Vol. 133, No. 2 Transitory effects of intracerebral administration of protein synthesis inhibitors on rat's spontaneous behavior. Abstract
C. Ambrogi Lorenzini, E. Baldi, C. Bucherelli, G. Tassoni
Vol. 107, fasc. 1 Transmission of labyrinthine volleys through the vestibular nuclei during sleep Details
G.L. Lenzi, O. Pompeiano, T. Satoh
Vol. 105, fasc. 4 Transmission of sensory information through ascending spinal hindlimb pathways during sleep and wakefulness Details
O. Pompeiano, G. Carli, H. Kawamura
Vol. 105, fasc. 1 Transmission of sensory information through the lemniscal pathway during sleep Details
G. Carli, K. Diete-Spiff, O. Pompeiano
Vol. 103, fasc. 4 Transmission of tonic activity through lateral geniculate body and visual cortex Details
A. Arduini, A. Cavaggioni
Vol. 74, fasc. 14 Transpiration cutanée et travail musculaire. Rèsumé de l'A. Details
A. Alchieri
Vol. 73, fasc. 13 Transplantations testiculaires séminifères et interstitielles Details
G. Bolognesi
Vol 94, No 34 (1935) Trasformation de la galactose en glycogene dans le foie et dans les muscles des rats. Abstract   PDF
P. De Lucia , F. Cedrangolo
Vol. 143, No. 2 Tribute to Hans Engstrom by O. Pompeiano and J. Stahle Abstract
O. Pompeiano, J. Stahle
Vol. 137, No. 1 Trigeminal integration of vestibular and forelimb nerve inputs. Abstract
F. Deriu, M. V. Podda, G. Chessa, E. Tolu
Vol. 134, No. 2 Trigeminal motoneuron responses to vestibular stimulation in the guinea pig. Abstract
E. Tolu, M. A. Caria, G. Chessa, F. Melis, M. E. Simula, M. V. Podda, A. Solinas, F. Deriu
Vol 89, No 29 (1933) Troubles de locomotion chez les téléostéens encéphalolésés. Resumé de l'A.Avec 1 Planche Details
CH. Rizzo
Vol. 119, fasc. 2 Two bidirectional nerve cord systems converging with electrical and chemical synapses on the retzius cells of the leech hirudo medicinalis Details
M. Carretta, S. Grassi, F. Magni
Vol. 116, fasc. 3-4 Two functional types of neurons in the superficial layers of monkey superior colliculus Details
G. Rizzolatti
Vol 117, No 2 Two separate synchronizing mechanism in the basal forebrain: study of the synchronizing effects of the rostral hypothalamus, preoptic region and olfactory Abstract
G. Benedek, F. Obal
Vol. 141, No. 4 Tyrosinated alpha-tubulin changes following epileptogenic and non-epileptogenic lesions in rat brain cortex. Abstract
P. De Riu, M. Zedda, M. Bianchi, S. Gadau, G. Lepore, C. Tavera, V. Farina
Vol. 136, No. 1 Tyrosine hydroxylase-like immunoreactivity in the brain of the teleost fish Tinca tinca. Abstract
J. G. Brinon, R. Arevalo, E. Weruaga, C. Crespo, J. R. Alonso, J. Aijon
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