Cholinergic microstimulation of the peribrachial nucleus in the cat. I. Immediate and prolonged increases in ponto-geniculo-occipital waves.
The cholinergic agonist carbachol was injected into the pontine Pb area where PGO bursting cells have been recorded. When microinjections were localized to the ventrolateral aspect of the caudal Pb nucleus near aggregates of ChAT immunolabeled cholinergic neurons, carbachol produced an immediate onset of state-independent PGO waves in the ipsilateral LGB. These state-independent PGO waves persisted for 3-4 days. After the first 24 hrs PGO wave activity increasingly became associated with REM sleep and with REM transitional SP sleep as both of these PGO-related states increased in amount to 3-4 times baseline levels. The increase in amount of PGO-related states peaked on days 2-4 following one carbachol injection and persisted for 10-12 days. These results suggest a two stage process: stage one, PGO enhancement, is the direct consequence of the membrane activation of cholinoceptive PGO burst neurons by carbachol; stage two, REM enhancement, is the consequence of metabolic activation of endogenous cholinergic neurons. This experimental preparation is a useful model for the study of the electrophysiology and functional significance of PGO wave and REM sleep generation.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4449/aib.v130i4.629
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