Memories and after-effects of a year (1958-59) as student and resident at Istituto di Fisiologia in Pisa

T. Lømo


In the1950s, the Institute of Anatomy in Oslo and of Physiology in Pisa were in close contact and exchanged visitors. I was a medical student at the time, and on Professor Alf Brodal’s recommendation Professor Giuseppe Moruzzi welcomed me to Pisa to do research and even offered me a room in the Institute to live in. The year was 1958-1959, which for me it turned out very rewarding and decisive for my later choice of career. In this paper I describe some of my memories from that time and, briefly, some of my pursuits in science after that time.


Memories from Pisa 1958-59 • Discovery of long-term potentiation (LTP)• Neural control of skeletal muscles

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