Clinical evidences of brain plasticity in stroke patients
Emerging findings deriving from neuromodulation and neuroradiology are providing us new insights about plas- ticity and functional reorganization of the brain after stroke, but the direct clinical assessment of motor function should still be considered an indispensable tool for the evaluation of the effects of plasticity in stroke patients. Recovery of motor function can be spontaneous or guided by training. Substantial functional recovery can occur spontaneously especially in the first month post-stroke. Instead, the guided recovery may take more time and may rely on a number of rehabilitation techniques which proved to be capable of stimulating cerebral plasticity. Even the time course of these processes is a decisive element. First, it is important to correlate the trends of plasticity after stroke, from the enhancement of earlier periods to the later stages, to the behavioral changes observed. Furthermore, it is crucial to distinguish recovery of function occurring through improvement of motor deficit from compensatory mechanisms, distinction that has also an effect on timing of recovery. Another relevant question is the maintenance over time of the improvements reached with the treatment, feature on which various clinical studies have been conducted in acute and chronic stroke patients. Further studies are needed to allow us to get a more precise definition of the potentiality of functional recovery and of the mechanisms underlying the recovery depending on its levels and timing. Understanding the mechanisms, the effects and the limits of neural plasticity may eventually help enhancing the recovery process in stroke patients, significantly improving the quality of life of these patients. Then, a greater attention towards the clinical implica- tions of the changes related to plasticity can be a crucial element to further improve the therapeutic options used in neurorehabilitation.
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