Hypnotizability and the position sense: proprioceptive localization of the hand
We investigated whether healthy subjects with high (highs) and low (lows) hypnotizability scores differ in the ability to report the position of their right hand in the horizontal plane at the end of passive and active arm movements directed to lateral, intermediate and medial targets of the right hemispace under correct or incorrect visual feedback. Results showed that incorrect visual feedback increased the error in both groups. In lows, the error was similar after active and passive movements; in highs, it was lower for active than passive movements toward the medial position, but lower for passive than for active movements for the lateral one. The highs’ error was significantly lower than the lows’ one only for the active movements directed toward the medial hand position. Hypnotizability-related differences may be due to different role of efferent copies in highs and lows.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.4449/aib.v153i1.3736
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