Table of Contents
Research Articles
Convergence of sleep-wakefulness subsystem onto single neurons in the region of cat's solitary tract nucleus
K. Eguci, T. Satoh
The variation in tension output with active shortening in rat myocardium
C. Poggesi, I. Ricciardi
Electrocorticographic activity of the prepyriform cortex during the sleep-wakefulness cycle of the freely-behaving rat
J.A. Ricardo, N. Negrao
ètude, chez le chat, de la reactivité aux stimulus auditifs signifiants en fonction des niveaux de vigilance
F. Ciancia, M.C. Trigona-Leisinger
Axonal projections and primary afferents of bulbar respiratory modulated and unmodulated neurons travelling with vagal nerve or spinal cord in the rabbit
G- Bohmer, M. Fallert