Diete-Spiff, K., Department of Physiological Sciences, University of Lagos Medical School, Lagos
Vol. 105, fasc. 1 - Research Articles
Transmission of sensory information through the lemniscal pathway during sleep
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Vol. 105, fasc. 1 - Research Articles
Presynaptic and postsynaptic inhibition of transmission of somatic afferent volleys through the cuneate nucleus during sleep
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Vol. 105, fasc. 1 - Research Articles
Vestibular influences during sleep. Vestibular control on somatic afferent transmission in the cuneate nucleus during desynchronized sleep
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Vol. 105, fasc. 2 - Research Articles
Mechanisms of muscle spindle excitation
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Vol. 105, fasc. 2 - Research Articles
Comparison of the effects of stimulation of the VII th cranial nerve, the vestibular nuclei or the reticular formation on the gastrocnemius muscle and its spindles
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Vol. 105, fasc. 2 - Research Articles
Responses of the muscle spindles and of the extrafusal fibres in an extensor muscle to stimulation of the lateral vestibular nucleus in the cat
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Vol. 105, fasc. 4 - Research Articles
Cerebellar responses evoked by somatic afferent volleys during sleep and waking
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