Bertelli, M., SERI, Switzerland Eye Research Institute, Lugano, Switzerland
Vol 158, No 3-4 (2020) - Research Articles
Measurement of drusen and their correlation with visual symptoms in patients affected by age-related macular degeneration
Abstract -
Vol 159, No 1 (2021) - Research Articles
Exosomes and alpha-synuclein within retina from autophagy to protein spreading in neurodegeneration
Abstract -
Vol 159, No 2 (2021) - Research Articles
Retinal Degeneration Following Chronic Administration of the Parkinsonism-Inducing Neurotoxin MPTP
Abstract -
Vol 159, No 3-4 (2021) - Research Articles
The neurobiology of nutraceuticals combined with light exposure, a case report in the course of retinal degeneration.
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