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Del Seppia, Cristina, National Council of Research, Pisa (Italy)
Del Tredici, K.
Del Vecchio, F., Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, Physiology, Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, Italy ()
Del Vecchio, Flavia, Dept. Biomedical and NeuroMotor Sciences – Physiology, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, P.zza P.ta S. Donato 2, 40126, Bologna, Italy
Delacour, J., Laboratoire de Psychophysiologie, Université de Paris VII ()
Delaney, M., Man-Vehicle Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Ave., Bldg. 37-219, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ()
Delerm, B., Laboratoire de Psychophysiologie, Universite des Sciences et Techniques de Lille Flandres-Artois, France. ()
Delerm, B., Laboratoire de Psychophysiologie, CNRS-UA 308, Universite de Lille I, France. ()
Delhaye-Bouchad, N., Laboratoire de Physiologie Comparée et Laboratoire de Neurophysiologie Ontogenetique, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris ()
Delhaye-Bouchad, N., Laboratoire de Neurophysiologie Ontogénétique, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris ()
Deliagina, T. G., Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. ()
Dell, P., Unité de Recherches Neurobiologiques INSERM et Groupe de Recherches 25 du CNRS, Marseille ()
Dell' Anna, M. E., Department of Psychology, University La Sapienza, Roma, Italy. ()
Dell'Osso, Liliana, Department of Clinical Experimental Medicine, Psychiatric Unit I, University of Pisa, Italy (Italy)
Della Marca, Giacomo, Institute of Neurology, Department of Neurosciences, Catholic University, Rome (Italy)
Della Santa, M., Clinica Medica, Università di Pisa ()
Della Torre, G., Istituto di Fisiologia Umana, Universita' di Perugia, Via del Giochetto, 1, 06100 Perugia, Italy. ()
Della Torre, G., Dipartimento di Medicina Interna, Sezione di Fisiologia Umana, Universita di Perugia, I-06100 Perugia, Italy. ()
Della Torre, G., Istituto di Fisiologia Umana, Universita di Perugia, Italy. ()
Dellepiane, G., Clinica Ostetrico-Ginecologica e Istituto diFarmacologia, Università di Palermo ()
Dellepiane, G., Clinica Ostetrico-ginecologica e Istituto di Farmacologia della Reale Università di Palermo ()
Delsaut, M. , Laboratoire de Psychophysiologie, CNRS-UA 308, Universite de Lille I, France. ()
Dembowsky, K., I. Physiologisches Institut der Universitat Heidelberg, F.R.G. ()
Dement, W. C., Sleep Disorders Clinic and Research Center and Department of Phychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94304, USA. ()
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