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Vol. 104, fasc. 4 A further note on the time course of cortical facilitation after photic stimulation Details
A. Cavaggioni, M.H. Goldstein, D.H. Friedman
Vol. 113, fasc. 1 A further study of the inhibitory processes induced by the activation of the preoptic hypnogenic structure Details
F. Bremer
Vol. 119, fasc. 2 A horseradish peroxidase study of afferent projections to nucleus reticularis thalami in the cat Details
M.L. Sotgiu, G. Marini, D. Esposti, E. Fava
Vol. 139, No. 3 - In honour of N. Kleitman A hundred years of narcolepsy research. Abstract   PDF
E. Mignot
Vol. 124, fasc. 4 A massive but short lasting forebrain deafferentation during sleep in the rat and cat Details
C. Gottesmann, G. Gandolfo
Vol 153, No 4 (2015) A Mathematical Model for Evaluating the Functional Connectivity Strongness in Healthy People Abstract
P. Finotelli, P. Dulio
Vol. 114, fasc. 2 A mathematical model for the mechanism of rapid eye movements induced by an anticholinesterase in the decerebrate cat Details
O. Pompeiano, M. Valentinuzzi
Vol. 100, fasc. 4 A method for the quantification of tonic activity in the nervous system Details
A. Arduini, L.R. Pinneo
Vol. 100, fasc. 4 A method for the quantification of tonic activity in the nervous system Details
A. Arduini, L.R. Pinneo
Vol. 133, No. 2 A morphological and morphometrical study of displaced amacrine cells in dog retina. Abstract
P. Marroni, E. Giannessi, A. Coli
Vol. 105, fasc. 2 A neural component in dark adaption Details
L. Maffei, R.E. Poppele
Vol. 101, fasc. 3 A neuroanatomical and behavioral analysis of the syndromes resulting from midbrain lemniscal and reticular lesions in the cat Details
J.M. Sprague, M. Levitt, K. Robson, C.N. Liu, E. Stellar, W.W. Chambers
Vol. 125, No. 3 A neuroimmunological challenge: schizophrenia as an autoimmune disease. Abstract
H. H. Kornhuber, J. Kornhuber
Vol. 120, fasc. 1-3 A new appraisal of high pressure nervous syndorme Details
R. Naquet
Vol 151, No 2 (2013) A new technique to investigate vestibulospinal reflexes Abstract   PDF
C. Grasso, P. Orsini, L. Bruschini, D. Manzoni, M. Barresi
Vol 149, No 3 (2011): include the Abstracts of the XIX Annual Meeting of the Italian Society of Psychophysiology A novel fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) mutation associated with a mild Crouzon syndrome Abstract
Nicoletta Locuratolo, M Baffico, M Baldi, V Parisi, F Micacchi, V Angelucci, M Rojas Beccaglia, C Pirro, Francesco Fattaposta
Vol. 134, No. 3 A photophase and seasonal study of the pineal parenchyma and melatonin serum levels in the albino rat subjected to immobilization stress. Abstract
F. Martinez-Soriano, M. Jordan-Lluch, T. Hernandez Gil De Tejada, A. Ruiz-Torner
Vol. 121, fasc. 4 A projection from the raphe nuclei to the lateral reticular nucleus in the cat Details
H. Qvist, E. Dietrichs, S. Roste, F. Walberg
Vol 70, No 10 (1920) A propos d'une communication de E. Gley "Sur l'action hémolytique du sang des jeunes anguilles encore transparentes" Details
G. Buglia
Vol. 68, fasc.8 A propos de gaz asphyxiants et de champs tactiles Details
E. Cavazzani
Vol 151, No 3 (2013) A Reliable Indirect Cell-Labelling Protocol for Optical Imaging allows Ex Vivo Visualisation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells after Transplantation Abstract
Valentina Diana, Ilaria Vittoria Libani, Marie-Therese Armentero, Fabio Blandini, Giovanni Lucignani, Vincenzo Silani, Lidia Cova, Luisa Ottobrini
Vol. 136, No. 4 A role of nerve growth factor in oligodendrocyte growth and differentiation of EAE affected rats. Abstract
L. Aloe, A. Micera
Vol. 123, fasc. 1 A scanning electron microscopic study of the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus in duck and rabbit Details
G. Faccioli , G. Lalatta Costerbosa, M.L. Lucchi, R. Bortolami
Vol. 124, fasc. 2 A sensitive, fast, durable, highly selective method for the determination of amino acids and biogenic amines in the cerebrospinal fluid and other body fluids and tissues Details
H. Zettlmeissl, J. Blome
Vol. 145, No 3/4 - In honour of S. Tyc-Dumont A short and personal story of Suzanne Tyc-Dumont in the scientific context of the time. Abstract   PDF
C. Batini
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