Issue |
Title |
Vol 155, No 3 (2017) |
A small dose of apomorphine counteracts the deleterious effects of middle cerebral artery occlusion in different models |
F. Mastroiacovo, A. Gaglione, C. L. Busceti, L. Ryskalin, G. Bozza, F. Nicoletti, F. Orzi, F. Fornai |
Vol. 105, fasc. 2 |
A source of error in the study of golgi-stained material |
E. Ramòn-Moliner |
Vol 154, No 2/3 (2016) |
A Statistical Proposal for Selecting a Data-depending Threshold in Neurobiology |
P. Finotelli, F. Panzica, P. Dulio, F. Rotondi, G. Varotto |
Vol. 101, fasc. 4 |
A study of the bioelectrical rhythms of cortical and subcortical structures during activated sleep |
P.L. Parmeggiani, G. Zanocco |
Vol. 106, fasc. 2 |
A study of the control of cerebral blood flow in the freely moving rabbit |
J. Seylaz, L. Molnar |
Vol. 96, fasc. 1 |
A study of the effect of some neurally active drugs on inhibition in the auditory pathway |
I.C. Whitfield , J.T. Allanson |
Vol 150, No 2/3 (2012): Neural correlates of consciousness in pathology and healthy volunteers |
A subcellular analysis of genetic modulation of PINK1 on mitochondrial alterations, autophagy and cell death |
Paola Lenzi, Roberta Marongiu, Alessandra Falleni, Vania Gelmetti, Carla Letizia Busceti, Silvia Michiorri, Enza Maria Valente, Francesco Fornai |
Vol. 98, fasc. 4 |
A Supraspinal control system monosynaptically connected with an ascending spinal pathway |
B. Holmqvist, A. Lundberg, O. Oscarsson |
Vol. 128, No. 2-4 - A tribute to A. Brodal |
A well defined spinocerebellar system in the weakly electric teleost fish Gnathonemus petersii. A tracing and immuno-histochemical study. |
T. Szabo, S. Libouban, J.-P. Denizot |
Vol. 97, fasc. 2 |
Abnormal responses of the single myelinated nerve fibers |
K. Uchizono |
Vol. 96, fasc. 3 |
"Absence de rèaction èlectrencèphalographique d'èveil par stimulation èlectrique corticale chez le chat "cerveau isolè" |
A. Mollica |
Vol 149, No 3 (2011): include the Abstracts of the XIX Annual Meeting of the Italian Society of Psychophysiology |
Abstracts of the XIX Annual Meeting of the Italian Society of Psychophysiology, Brescia, 2011 |
A.A. V.V. |
Vol. 96, fasc. 2 |
Acceleration and inhibition in crustacean ganglion cells |
C.A. Terzuolo, T.H. Bullock |
Vol. 98, fasc. 2 |
Accomodation of spinal motoneurones of cats |
K. Frank, M.G.F. Fuortes |
Vol. 102, fasc. 4 |
Accomodation of the eye as related to behavior in the cat |
R. Elul, P.L. Marchiafava |
Vol 149, No 3 (2011): include the Abstracts of the XIX Annual Meeting of the Italian Society of Psychophysiology |
Acquisition and retention of motor sequences: The effects of time of the day and sleep |
Svetlana Kvint, Brian Bassiri, April Pruski, John Nia, Israel Nemet, Melissa Lopresti, Bernardo Perfetti, Clara Moisello, Giulio Tononi, M Felice Ghilardi |
Vol 94, No 34 (1935) |
Action de l' insuline sur les pigeons jeunants. |
D. Gigante |
Vol 89, No 29 (1933) |
Action de l'aldéhyde formique sur les hématies et sur les phénomènes d'hémoagglutination et d'hémolyse; transfusions de sang hétérogène formolisé |
V. Ducceschi, A. Cardin |
Vol 86, No 26 (1931) |
Action de l'insuline sur l'excitabilité du nerf vague |
V.G. Barone |
Vol 89, No 29 (1933) |
Action de l'insuline sur la température cutanée générale du lapin |
E. Sapegno, G. Ceruti |
Vol 81, No 21 (1929) |
Action de l'insuline sur le chien opéré de decérébellation |
A. Moschini |
Vol 35, No 1 (1901) |
Action de l'oxyde de carbone sur le coeur. |
A. Mosso |
Vol 90, No 30 (1933) |
Action de la création sur le tonus musculaire. Résumé de l'A. |
F.M. Chiancone |
Vol 93, No 33 (1935) |
Action de la diurese et de la thyroxine sur le metabolisme proteique endogene et exogene. |
G. Scoz |
Vol. 75, fasc. 15 |
Action de la glande thyroide sur le coeur et sur le système nerveux de la grenouille,isolès de l'organisme. Résumé de l'A. |
A. Rabbeno |
151 - 175 of 2394 Items |
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